Dizygotic and monozygotic twins

Today the twins want to tell about 'how it is possible to have 2 children inside the womb instead of one".
So, their case. :D

There are 2 typology of twins, dizygotic and monozygotic.

The dizygotic twins are the most frequent and common: it is estimated that approximately 2/3 of the twins are dizygotic.
The dizygotic twins are "brothers", non identical twins, because they do not share 100% of the same DNA, so they are not 100% similar.

But how does that work?

This depends on the fertilization of two cells by two sperms, and fertilization can even happen in different times. Last year there was the case of 2 dizygotic twins fertilized in different weeks! Amazing!

The embryos that 'born' from this fertilization will have a similar genetic heritage like those of two brothers. The dizygotic twins infact may have different physical and mental characteristics.
They are not 100% similar.

The monozygotic twins instead are 100% similar each other and infact they are many times referred to as identical twins.

The monozygotic twins occur when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote which then divides into 2 separate embryos.
At a certain point of time, it happens that the embryo is split into two embryos 100% identical and each of the 2 embryos continue to grown separately from the other.

The monozygotic twins have the same genetic heritage, having been originally an unique embryo.
One could say that this is a kind of "genetic cloning" made by the Nature.

The monozygotic twins will look similar in both the physical appearance (color of the eyes, hair, same blood class) than in their behaviour (many times).

Backto us, we are dizygotic twins, which means that we are not identical despite we spent about 9 months together in mama's womb.

Anyway, we already have a good relationship and the same we have with Ilaria, our "old" sister.
And we like that a looooot!!!

10 months!

Today our princesses reach the 10-months-age milestone !
Only 2 months before their first birthday.

In these circumstances the parents talk about the fact that the 2 ladies are growing so fast... it might look like a stupid consideration, but that's the reality.
Time passes so fast!

10 months is a great achievement.
10 has always been the favorite number for dad when he was used to play football, and actually it still is, thanks to the great player of his favourite team (Alex you rock!!!).

Today, the day was similar to many others.
The 2 babies waked up in a good mood, the father cooked the milk and now they are quiet in the bedroom listening to their CD.

Now the CD is playing an italian song called "Quando i bambini fanno ohhhh" and this song is perfect to reflect the feelings that we feel today.

Today we say "Ohhhhhh", stopping for a moment thinking how fast they have grown in the past 10 months, how many achievements they made, how many joys they give us every day and how many the 2 ladies will give us in the days, months, years to come.

We can simply say: greetings!!!!!

Pregnancy with surprise

The months of pregnancy are for future mothers an unique experience, but also for future father even if they can not "interact" with the future baby (or babies) as the mother can.

There are also the future grandparents, the future uncles, the friends, the relatives: all are involved in their own way in this fantastic adventure.

During pregnancy, the mother is subjected to various doctor visits to monitor the growth of the future Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
The parents choose the name, they buy the clothes that are needed during the first days (and not only...), they buy all those things that are indispensable when you get a prince or a lady at home.

All those things are rose painted if the baby is a girl, blue painted if the baby is a beautiful prince.

Then the last days arrive.
The countdown starts, 2 weeks are missing and the mother has the last doctor visit and .. the doctor tells you that the sex of the child has changed.
What the doctor has told you till then is no longer true.

Between the legs of the girl there's something... and the girl is no more a girl, but a nice boy.
And everything changes.
And it changes a lot!

Do you think this is just a story?
Well, it happened this week to our neighbors: the baby will probably born next week, and the future parents have just discovered that the lady is not a lady, but a boy.

Good luck! :-)

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul...

..then I live in Heaven!