Dizygotic and monozygotic twins

Today the twins want to tell about 'how it is possible to have 2 children inside the womb instead of one".
So, their case. :D

There are 2 typology of twins, dizygotic and monozygotic.

The dizygotic twins are the most frequent and common: it is estimated that approximately 2/3 of the twins are dizygotic.
The dizygotic twins are "brothers", non identical twins, because they do not share 100% of the same DNA, so they are not 100% similar.

But how does that work?

This depends on the fertilization of two cells by two sperms, and fertilization can even happen in different times. Last year there was the case of 2 dizygotic twins fertilized in different weeks! Amazing!

The embryos that 'born' from this fertilization will have a similar genetic heritage like those of two brothers. The dizygotic twins infact may have different physical and mental characteristics.
They are not 100% similar.

The monozygotic twins instead are 100% similar each other and infact they are many times referred to as identical twins.

The monozygotic twins occur when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote which then divides into 2 separate embryos.
At a certain point of time, it happens that the embryo is split into two embryos 100% identical and each of the 2 embryos continue to grown separately from the other.

The monozygotic twins have the same genetic heritage, having been originally an unique embryo.
One could say that this is a kind of "genetic cloning" made by the Nature.

The monozygotic twins will look similar in both the physical appearance (color of the eyes, hair, same blood class) than in their behaviour (many times).

Backto us, we are dizygotic twins, which means that we are not identical despite we spent about 9 months together in mama's womb.

Anyway, we already have a good relationship and the same we have with Ilaria, our "old" sister.
And we like that a looooot!!!

1 commenti:

Nadir ha detto...

Che carino! anche io ho pensato spesso di fare un blog in inglese, penso che possa essere un buon esercizio. Ma a questo punto dovrei commentare in inglese... vabbhè ... wish will for next time ;-)